understanding creativity

How your mind creates new ideas

This book will show you the different mechanisms, enablers and blocks, through which new ideas come to life. And it's all backed by solid science! Learn to understand and hack your creativity.

Cover of the book Understanding creativity

Why buy our book?

This book is

Understandable: we explain creativity in a simple way

Reliable: everything we present is based on science

Practical: discover why some methods work for your case

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Do you still need that final push? You can get the first chapter for free. This one is on us, because we know you are going to love the book.

If you have any other questions, comments, praises, presents... we love to talk! Drop us a line at book@understandingcreativity.org


Dr. Daniel Collado-Ruiz (Dr. D)
Startup coach at Nestholma and brain hacker

Photo of Dr. Hesamedin Ostad-Ahmad-Ghorabi, author of this book

Dr. Hesamedin Ostad-Ahmad-Ghorabi (Dr. O)
Head of Competence Center at SWJ Engineering

Guest sections by

Still doubting? Surely not

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Myths about creativity

The contents of this book

A bit about the authors

Chapter 2 - What creativity is

Definition of creativity

The object of creativity: A creative what?

Creative individuals

Creative ideas

Creative environments and creativity-fostering institutions

The creative process: How are we creative?

The spark of creativity: synapses

The creative problem-solving process

Chapter 3 - Intelligence and creativity

Intelligence theories

Relation of Intelligence and Creativity

Creativity as part of intelligence

Intelligence as part of creativity

The creativity and intelligence overlap

Other views

Chapter 4 - Personality and creativity

Personality theories

Constitutional theories

Trait theory

Implicit personality theory

The humanistic approach

Personality traits in cre­ativity

Chapter 5 - Perception and creativity

Capturing the outer world

Interpreting the outer world - Gestalt theory

The inner world - Unconsciousness

Distortions of perception

How to perceive better - knowing yourself

Chapter 6 - Avoiding creativity blocks

What are creativity blocks

Causes of creativity blocks

Problem definition cues

Context cues

Other mental processes

Creativity strategies



Inverse thinking

Remove the optimal solution

Add odd condition

Random cues

Change your context

Reframe (train the creative muscle)

Knowing yourself: create your own techniques

Chapter 7 - Human interaction



Learning from failures



Putting it all together: creating a creative atmosphere


Leading and facilitating

Chapter 8 - Creativity in groups


Hall of fame


Six thinking hats

Knowing your team: creating your own techniques

Chapter 9 - Way forward

What to do with your idea?

Still doubting? Surely not

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Cover of the book Understanding creativity